Be welcome

Dear visitor, this blog is written by the band Other Day. We got our ears pointed and finally decided to share our experiences and feelings with you, because we realized the problems in finding all information about this procedure gathered on one site in the internet. We hope you'll enjoy this blog and find some information you're looking for.

If you have any questions that aren't answered here, please feel free to contact us on Facebook or via comments.

Please feel welcome to our dreamworld.

Day 15

Yesterday the stitch at the top of our ear fell off. It seems that everything is healed (at least the skin) and we can be glad that no stitch was incorporated into our ear and got an infection. So we decided to remove all the other stitches tomorrow, after 16 days instead of 17 days as we intendet.
We're really looking forward seeing them without any blood ans stitches.
Pics of our pretty ears will follow tomorrow!!!

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